16:00-17:00 | Landscape Ecology: sustainable landscape management
The session focuses on landscape ecology and its ecological principles (landscape perspective) as an essential approach to develop the sustainable management of environmental resources. The session aims to conceptualize and discuss the effects of the spatial heterogeneity of the landscape (landscape pattern) on the space experienced, perceived and managed by humans, with particular attention to the possible synergies and trade-offs between the services provided by the landscape mosaic (landscape) and at the most appropriate space-time investigation scales. The invited Key-note speakers will present theoretical and practical contributions regarding the influence of spatial heterogeneity and spatio-temporal scales in the sustainable management of the landscape and the importance of the diversity and functionality of the landscape mosaic in guaranteeing useful services for human well-being. Great emphasis will be given to the European Landscape Convention and its implementation.
Organizers: Irene Petrosillo (University of Salento), Maria Laura Carranza (University of Molise), Emilio Padoa-Schioppa (University of Milano-Bicocca)
Programme 16:00-17:00
Prof. Dr. Jianguo (Jingle) Wu
Landscape approaches for sustainabilityProf. Richard T.T. Forman
Values of Large-versus-Small Urban Greenspaces and Their ArrangementProf. Maguelonne Déjeant-Pons
The European Landscape Convention of the Council of Europe
Prof. Dr. Jianguo (Jingle) Wu
He is Dean’s Distinguished Professor of Landscape Ecology and Sustainability Science at the School of Life Sciences & School of Sustainability, and Senior Sustainability Scientist at the Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University. He is Editor-in-Chief of Landscape Ecology since 2005, and Editorial Board member for several international journals on ecology and interdisciplinary research. His research areas are: Landscape Ecology, Urban Ecology, Sustainability Science, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function Relationship. Professor Wu is author of more than 500 publications among books, journal papers and book chapters and he has received several awards and honors for his great contribution to the landscape ecology and sustainability science.
Prof. Richard T.T. Forman
He is Professor Emeritus at Harvard University and often considered a “father” of landscape ecology and also road ecology, helping spearhead urban ecology, and recently has pioneered town ecology. His primary scholarly interest links science with spatial pattern to interweave nature and people on the land. Other research interests include changing land mosaics, conservation, and land-use planning. With a Haverford College B.S., University of Pennsylvania Ph.D., and two honorary doctoral degrees, he now teaches ecology in the Harvard Graduate School of Design and formerly also in Harvard College. Professor Forman has received several honors and awards, and he has authored numerous articles and books. His book “Landscape Ecology” (1986) is still the reference book in all university courses on landscape ecology around the world, and his recent book “Towns, Ecology, and the Land” (2019) is full of innovative concepts and applications by linking urban planning with its landscape context.
Prof. Maguelonne Déjeant-Pons
She is the Executive Secretary of the European Landscape Convention and responsible for the European Heritage Days, Directorate of Democracy of the Council of Europe. She was a practicing lawyer and Lecturer at the University of Law (Montpellier) and the Institute of Political Sciences (Strasbourg). Since 1987, she has been working at the Council of Europe as Administrator at the European Court of Human Rights; Administrator at the Directorate of the Environment and Local Authorities; Secretariat of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats of Europe; Principal Administrator and Head of the Environment and Sustainable Development Division; Secretariat of the Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy; responsible for the European Diploma of Protected Areas; Editor of the Futuropa: for a new vision of landscape and territory Magazine; Executive Secretary of the Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Spatial/Regional Planning; and then Secretary of the Council of Europe Steering Committee on Culture, Heritage and Landscape. She has published several articles and books dealing with the territorial development, protection of coastal and marine zones (La Méditerranée en droit international de l’environnement); biological and landscape diversity and human rights to the environment (Human Rights and the Environment).