12:00-13:00 (TBC) | Ecosystems and their services for human well-being
The prosperity of mankind depend on the sustainable exploitation of natural capital. The conservation of natural capital stocks guarantees the continuous generation of ecosystem services flows vital for human well-being. Many of these services are overexploited and degraded by human activities. In this context, the increase of the urban population requires the development of planning strategies aimed at strengthening urban and peri-urban forests to improve the provision of ecosystem services. The aim of this workshop is to promote a debate on the importance of these issues, also in relation to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) of the UN 2030 Agenda.
Programme 12:00-13:00
Joachim Maes
Are Europe’s ecosystems healthy? An analysis based on trends in ecosystem condition and ecosystem services.12:00
Carlo Blasi
Natural capital in Italy and its state of conservation12:11
Elisa Anna Fano, Mattias Gaglio
Ecosystem services in Po River Delta12:22
Pier Paolo Franzese, Elvira Buonocore
Natural Capital assessment in marine ecosystems12:33
Fausto Manes, Alessandro Sebastiani
Ecosystem Services in urban areas and enviromental quality12:44
Carlo Blasi
Carlo Blasi is Emeritus Professor in Plant Ecology at the Sapienza University of Rome. He is presently Scientific Director of the lnter-University Research Centre CIRBISES and is President of the Foundation for the Italian Flora, of the Italian Botanical Society. He is also an appointed member of the National Observatory on Biodiversity, of the Committee for the Development of Green Space, and of the Committee for Natural Capital, on behalf of the MATTM. His research activities deal with plant ecology, plant sociology, biodiversity conservation, and territorial planning, with particular emphasis on ecological land classification, vegetation dynamics and conservation assessment. He is author of 400 publications.
Elisa Anna Fano
Elisa Anna Fano, born in Rome, widow with a daughter
Degree in Biological Sciences at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome.
Full Professor of Ecology from 2005.
She has taught and worked in numerous Italian Universities and Research Centers: Sapienza University of Rome; University of Catania; University of Urbino; University of Tuscia di Viterbo; University of Ferrara; Institute for the Study of Ecosystems, ISE of the CNR, Pallanza, Italy; Anthon Dorn Zoological Station of Naples, Naples, Italy.
She have attended numerous foreign research institutes: Dept. of Genetics of the University of Tel Aviv, Israel; Dept. of Marine Ecology of Eilat, Red Sea, Israel; Dept. of Zoology of the University of Jerusalem, Israel; Dept. of Zoology of the University of Chapel Hill, North Caroline, USA; Musée de l’Homme de Paris, France.
Currently President of the Italian Society of Ecology.
Principal Scientific Interests: Ecology of freshwater and transitional ecosystems. Urban Ecology and Ecosistems Services. Change of Land Use and ES.
Pier Paolo Franzese
Pier Paolo Franzese is Associate Professor of Ecology at the Department of Science and Technology of Parthenope University of Naples, Italy. His research and teaching activities are focused on environmental accounting and assessment, with particular regards to natural capital and ecosystem services assessment. Prof. Franzese is Chair holder of the UNESCO Chair in “Environment, Resources and Sustainable Development” and Coordinator of the homonymous International Ph.D. Programme hosted at Parthenope University where he also founded and directs the Laboratory of Ecodynamics and Sustainable Development. He is President of the International Society for the Advancement of Emergy Research (ISAER) and Subject Editor of the international scientific journals Ecological Modelling (Elsevier) and Ecological Questions (NCU).
Joachim Maes
Dr. Joachim Maes is scientific project manager in the Land Resources Unit of Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science service. He coordinates the JRC research program on natural capital and ecosystem services. He is an expert in the spatial quantification of ecosystem services at European scale and in natural capital accounting. He coordinates the scientific activities of the EU working group on Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services, a group with experts from all the EU member states, the European Commission and the European Environment Agency. He leads the UN Statistical Division working group on ecosystem condition accounts under the SEEA EEA. He is editor–in–chief of the scientific journal One Ecosystem.
Fausto Manes
Fausto Manes is full Professor of Ecology at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. His research interests concerns the ecophysiological response of plants to abiotic stresses (air, water and soil pollution, global changes) in natural, agricultural and urban ecosystems; modelling and mapping of environmental quality for the quantification and monetary evaluation of Regulating Ecosystem Services (air quality improvement and local climate regulation by the vegetation); development of Green Infrastructure as “Nature-Based Solutions” for the amelioration of human health and wellbeing in metropolitan areas. He is coordinator of research Projects funded at National and European level. He has authored more than 200 scientific papers on international journals, book chapters and monographies.